Onboard JUICE:
The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI)

The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) studies the three dimensional electric and magnetic fields around Jupiter and the icy moons, and probes the moon atmospheres and internal structure. Kasaba Yasumasu, lead for the RPWI-Japan team, describes the instrument.

Onboard JUICE:

JANUS is the camera system onboard JUICE for imaging the surface of the icy moons. Japan is part of the science team for the instrument. Haruyama Junichi, lead for the JANUS-Japan team, describes the instrument.

Onboard JUICE:
Submillimetre Wave Instrument (SWI)

The Submillimetre Wave Instrument (SWI) onboard JUICE and partially developed in Japan will investigate the Galilean moons of the giant planet Jupiter, the chemistry, meteorology, and structure of Jupiter’s middle atmosphere as well as atmospheric and magnetospheric coupling processes.

Onboard JUICE:
The Jovian Neutral Analyzer (PEP / JNA)

The Jovian Neutral Analyzer (JNA) is part of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) onboard JUICE and partially developed in Japan. Lead researcher for PEP/JNA-Japan, Asamura Kazushi, describes the instrument.

Onboard JUICE:
The Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA)

The Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) is one of the instruments onboard JUICE that was partially developed in Japan. Lead researcher for GALA-Japan, Enya Keigo, describes the instrument.

Global Space News: JUICE is preparing to launch!

On April 13 2023, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission is scheduled to launch. JUICE is an ESA-led mission with strong involvement from Japan. Hear from our researchers as 10 years of preparation comes to head!

Global Space News: One year of #WebbWOW

It is said that you cannot recapture the childhood magic of Christmas. But any astronomer watching the skies on December 25 in 2021 will beg to differ. Because the most powerful space telescope ever constructed was about to launch. Our researchers take us through the first year of Webb.

Meeting in the shadow of asteroids: Yoshida Fumi has been awarded the DaBoll Award for her leadership in occultation observations

Despite both radar and optical observations from Earth, asteroid Phaethon was proving elusive. "Phaethon’s orbit is special compared to other near-Earth asteroids,” explains Yoshida Fumi at the Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology, and the University of Occupational and Environmental Heath, Japan. “There’s never a chance to observe Phaethon from Earth with a solar phase angle of zero degrees.”

Global Space News: following the DART mission to protect our planet

In early September of 2022, Scientists around the world were anxiously pondering one important question: if it became necessary... if the future of life on our planet was at stake... could we save the Earth? It was time to find out.

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